A list of gods and goddesses with their corresponding day of the week, position in Heaven (space), and archangel.
The entity that created religion was an androgynous creature, represented in different personas under different names. They're the gods. The sun, moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, were the gods. This includes Jesus Christ, who was the sun. As I continue my research, I thought it would be a good idea to make a list of the gods and goddesses. I made a list like this before, but I took it down because I was still doing more research. I think it's more accurate now.
1.) Moon:
The Moon (NASA Science Space Place, All About the Moon):
Day: Monday.
Position in Heaven/Space: First Heaven.
Archangel: Gabriel.
Demon: Iao.
Names: Ea (Sin), Atum (Osiris-Iah, Thoth, Seth), and Dyeus Pater (Zeus Pater, Selene). The moon was both male, and female.
2.) Mercury:
The planet Mercury (NASA, Mercury):
Position in Heaven/Space: Second Heaven.
Archangel: Raphael.
Demon: Saklas.
Names: Ea (Nabu), Atum (Thoth, Seth), and Dyeus Pater (Hermes-Mercury-Odin).
3.) Venus:
Venus (NASA, Venus: Facts):
Position in Heaven/Space: Third Heaven.
Archangel: Anael.
Demon: Seth.
Names: Ea (Ishtar), Atum (Seth), and Dyeus Pater (Aphrodite). It was both male, and female.
4.) The Sun:
Sun (NASA, Sun):
Position in Heaven/Space: Fourth Heaven.
Archangel: Michael/Jesus Christ.
Names: All of the gods (mainly) and goddesses (some) are the sun. It was both male, and female.
5.) Mars:
The planet Mars (Billings and Mirsky, 2018):
Day: Tuesday.
Position in Heaven: Fifth Heaven.
Archangel: Samael.
Demon: Eloaeus/Adonaeus.
Names: Ea (Nergal), and Dyeus Pater (Ares-Mars-Tyr).
6.) Jupiter:
Jupiter (NASA, Jupiter Resources):
Position in Heaven/Space: Sixth Heaven.
Archangel: Sachiel.
Demon: Asariel/Yaldabaoth/Elilaeus.
Names: Ea (Enlil-Marduk-Adad-Samas-Nusku), Atum (Ptah, Osiris, Seth, Amon), and Dyeus Pater (Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Vulcan, and Sol).
7.) Saturn.
Saturn (NASA, Saturn: Facts):
Day: Saturday.
Position in Heaven/Space: Seventh Heaven.
Archangel: Cassiel.
Demon: Sabaoth/Yaldabaoth.
Names: All of the gods are Saturn.
The Demon Deity Unveiled:
NASA. Jupiter Resources:
NASA. Saturn: Facts:
NASA Science Space Place. All About the Moon:
NASA. Mercury:
Billings and Mirsky (2018):
NASA. Venus: Facts:
NASA. Sun: