So far in my journey, I have discovered that Jesus Christ was a real, and that St. Peter and other followers of Jesus were also real. But for a little while, two people in particular circled around my head as to whether or not they were real: Adam and Eve.
1. "Mitochondrial Eve":
Photo from Megan Knight (Retrieved on 2019).
Mitochondria, according to Megan Knight (Retrieved on 2019), are:
"...double membrane bound cytoplasmic organelles present in most eukaryotic cells. They are responsible for aerobic respiration, producing energy for the cell, which they achieve through oxidative phosphorylation.
Cellular respiration is the metabolic process in which oxygen is used to breakdown carbohydrates, fats and proteins to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Mitochondria are the ‘engine room’ of eukaryotic organisms, as they are the main site of cellular respiration," (p. 1-2).
Basically... Mitochondria takes nutrients from oxygen and turns it into energy for cells. A month ago, I learned about the "Mitochondrial Eve." According to Rebecca L. Cann et al., (1987), the mitochondrial DNA from 147 people from different nationalities, not including Africa, point to one woman that seems to have lived in Africa about 200,000 years ago (Abstract). This is backed up by Ann Gibson (1997) (Y Chromosome Shows that Adam was African, "Abstract") and Chan et al., (2019) ("Abstract") (165-240,000 years ago at maximum). This is interesting because some fossil remains of modern human beings were dated back to 195,000 years ago in Ethiopia, according to the University of Utah (2005) and Michael Hopkin (2005). I guess you could say that this very first woman that lived 200,000 years ago is Eve. Therefore, Eve appeared 200,000 years ago in Africa, probably Ethiopia, to be more specific.
So now we have Eve. How are we going to find Adam? The same way, but not with mitochondria. This is where the Y chromosome comes into play.
2. "Chromosomal Adam":
Y Chromosome:
Photo from Dr. Zara Kassam (2018).
According to the Genetics Home Reference website in 2019, males have one Y and one X chromosome, while females have two X chromosomes (p. 2). The first modern human male that inherited the first Y chromosome is called "Chromosomal Adam." Cruciani et al., (2011) gave a time frame of 142,000 years ago after studying 2,204 African DNA samples ("Abstract" and pg. 6). According to two papers published at the same time in 2013, Chromosomal Adam appeared around 120-200,000 years ago. G. David Poznik et al., (2013) and Paolo Francalacci et al., (2013) examined the Y chromosomes of 69 different men from different nationalities. Poznik et al., (2013) said that the first modern human male appeared around 120-156,000 years ago, and the first modern female human appeared 99-148,000 years ago. However, Francalacci et al., (2013) said that the first modern human male appeared 180-200,000 years ago, the same time period that Cann et al., (1987) gave to the "Mitochondrial Eve."
Before all of those papers, however, Ann Gibson (1997) said that Chromosomal Adam lived during the same place and time as Mitochondrial Eve (Y Chromosome Shows that Adam was African, "Abstract"). Therefore, the first modern human male, let's say he's Adam, appeared during the same time as Eve, and more than likely lived in Africa too, perhaps Ethiopia.
Note: Fernando L. Mendez et al., (2013) gave 338,000 years for Chromosomal Adam, but their results included archaic human DNA. According to Christopher J. Bae (2013), archaic humans lived earlier than modern human beings. Therefore, modern human beings appeared 200,000 years ago. In 2017, some remains discovered in Morocco are said to have been Homo sapiens that are 300,000 years old. However, they lack some features that modern human beings have, so they seem to be archaic/early modern humans and not modern human beings (Ewen Callaway, 2017, "Genomic evidence") (Michael Greshko, 2017, final p.). Chris Stringer (2016) says that this skull, called the Jebel Irhoud skull, is not a modern human being (Pg. 5). Also, Elhaik et al., (2014), who gave Chromosomal Adam a time frame of 208,300 years ago (163,900-260,200 years ago at maximum) ("Abstract").
3. Update (3/24/20): Adam's and Eve's Origins and Families:
Chan et al., (2019) says that Mitochondrial Eve appeared in Southern Africa, south of the Zambezi river, 200,000 years ago ("Abstract"). This place is called Makgadikgadi, a salt flat (Brandon Specktor, 2019) that is in Botswana (The Economist, 2019). However, it appears that Adam and Eve didn't originate from the same place. It is said that modern human women came from South Africa, while men came from West Africa (Specktor, 2019). Interestingly, Ann Gibson (1997) said that the descendants of Chromosomal Adam spread into different geographical regions from where the descendants of Mitochondrial Eve went (The Women's Movement, "Abstract"). This doesn't mean that Adam and Eve didn't live in the same time and place though (Y Chromosome Shows that Adam was African, "Abstract"). So what's going on here? Did Adam and Eve live together but their children spread into different places? Did they never meet at all? Or where they born from different parents but found each other and mated?
As far as location goes, The Economist (2019) and Chan et al., (2019) says that Eve originated in Botswana in Southern Africa, but Cruciani et al., (2011) ("Abstract" and pg. 6), Mendez et al., (2013) ("Abstract"), and Specktor (2019) says that Adam originated in Central, Central and Northwest (Northern and Western), or Western Africa (check maps in "Links"). Does this mean that Adam and Eve never met? Well first, going by the genetic data, this would be a no. If they never met, then we wouldn't have originated from them in the first place. Second, Adam and Eve could have just left their families when they matured and then found each other. For an example of this, let's look at our distant relatives: gorillas. According to Primate Info Net, male and female gorillas leave their families. Females leave to avoid inbreeding. Males either stay in their family and may breed with new females that enter their group, or they leave to start their own families ("Social Organization and Behavior," p. 2). The Smithsonian National Zoo says that offspring, when they mature, typically leave to find their own mates ("Western Lowland Gorilla," "Social Structure," p. 3-4). Either one of these possibilities could have happened to Adam and Eve, but perhaps it was more likely that Adam and Eve both left their families, found each other and then started their own family.
That being said, since Adam and Eve were Homo sapiens, what species of Homo were Adam and Eve's parents/families? Where they modern human beings like them, or early-modern human beings? Since Adam and Eve originated 200,000 years ago at best, based on the datings of the genetic evidence and stated by Carly Cassella (2020) (P. 12), that means that their parents and families lived before that (of course). This means that they must have been early/archaic modern human beings. Early modern human beings appeared 640,000 years ago, and are as recent as 120,000 years ago (Christopher J. Bae, 2013, p. 3) (Ewen Callaway, 2017, "Genomic evidence") (Michael Greshko, 2017, final p.). Therefore, it seems that Adam and Eve's parents were archaic, but Adam and Eve evolved into modern human beings. When they left their families and met each other, they helped to start the rise of modern human beings.
As for the species, it seems that Eve's parents' species were either Homo heidelbergensis or Homo erectus. According to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, H. heidelbergensis lived 700-200,000 years ago in Eastern and Southern Africa, Europe, and possibly Asia. H. erectus lived 1.9 million-110,000 years ago in Northern, Eastern and Southern Africa, and Western and East Asia. However, Encyclopaedia Britannica says that H. erectus only lived in Africa up until 700,000 years ago ("African Finds"). They lived in Java up until 117-108,000 years ago only (Rizal et al., 2019, "Abstract"). It seems that Homo erectus is the ancestor of Homo heidelbergensis. Therefore, Eve's parents were probably Homo heidelbergensis. Is this true for Adam though? At first it didn't seem likely, but remember the Jebel Irhoud skull? It came from Morocco in Northern Africa, is 315-286,000 years old (Richter et al., 2017, "Abstract") (Hublin et al., 2017, "Abstract"), and is an archaic human skull with some modern human characteristics (Stringer, 2016, pg. 5). Is it H. heidelbergensis though? According to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, the H. heidelbergensis skull called Kabwe 1 has Homo erectus and Homo sapien features ("Kabwe 1"). The Jebel Irhoud skull, and another skull from Sale, near Rabat, Morocco, have the same characteristics. The Sale skull is 400,000 years old (Encyclopaedia Britannica, "Sale"). Therefore, the Jebel Irhoud and Sale skulls seem to belong to Homo heidelbergensis. Since Homo heidelbergensis lived in Eastern, Southern, and now Northern Africa, it seems that it was the archaic parents of both Adam and Eve.
Genetic research also shows that a "ghost" species of hominin existed around 1 million-146,000 years ago in Western Africa (Shawna Williams, 2020) (Carly Cassella, 2020) (Durvasula and Sankararaman, 2020, "Abstract"). It has been hypothesized that the "ghost" species is either Homo erectus or Homo heidelbergensis (Ann Gibbons, 2020) (Bethan Ackerley, 2020). Given to long distance of time, and that Homo erectus left Africa 700,000 years ago, it seems that Homo heidelbergensis might be the "ghost" species. This could possibly stretch H. heidelbergensis' population to South, East, North, and Western Africa. So until further notice, I will consider Homo heidelbergensis as Adam's and Eve's archaic modern human parents. Interestingly, Homo heidelbergensis not only gave rise to Homo sapiens, but Homo neanderthalensis in Europe and Asia (Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, "Homo neanderthalensis") (Encyclopaedia Britannica, "Homo heidelbergensis") (Mounier et al., 2009, "Abstract") (Stringer, 2016, pg. 13, Figure 2).
Note: Mounier (2009) says that H. heidelbergensis might've also just given rise to H. neanderthalensis ("Abstract"). Stringer (2016) says that H. heidelbergensis might've been our, and H. neanderthalensis', ancestors, or perhaps another hominin (he calls "Ancestor X") gave rise to H. heidelbergensis, sapiens, and neanderthalensis (Figure 2). Despite this, they still suggest that H. heidelbergensis might've been the ancestor of H. sapiens and neanderthalensis.
What's interesting is that fewer Y-Chromosomal lineages survived than the Mitochondrial lineages (Mary Bechman, 2000, pg. 4) (Ewen Calloway, 2013, pg. 2). Usually, only one son would survive (Ewen Calloway, 2013, pg. 2). This seems to support why female genetic variation was much more abundant than in males, as stated by Gibson (1997) (The Women's Movement, "Abstract"). Chapter 4 and 5 of Genesis describes Adam and Eve having children. Two of them were Cain and Abel. Cain killing Abel might not have helped the spreading of the Y-Chromosome either. However, according to genealogy in Chapter 5, Seth went on to continue Adam's lineage.
Update (4/3/20): Different species of hominids seem to have lived with each other, not just co-exist. Three different genus of hominids lived in the same place in Africa 2 million years ago: Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and Homo erectus (Brian Handwerk, 2020) (Herries et al., 2020, "Abstract"). However, two skulls belonging to Paranthropus and Homo erectus were discovered in a cave together in South Africa (Herries et al., 2020, "Abstract"). This seems to suggest that, possibly, all three genus of hominids during that time interacted with one another (Handwerk, 2020). Therefore, despite originating from different regions in Africa, the possibilities of Adam and Eve finding each other 200,000 years ago seems even more possible now.
4. Update (4/8/20-4/12/20): Mathematical Possibilities:
It seems mathematically possible that just two Homo sapiens could create our present population. In fact, this was proposed a long time ago. Rohde et al., (2004) says that the most recent common ancestor, an ancestor that helped to spread the modern-human population only and whom we all descend from, lived just a few thousand years ago. They also say that the ancestors of this individual are the same ancestors of all of us ("Abstract"). The most recent common ancestor is said to have lived about 3,000 years ago, while their ancestors (and ours) lived several thousand years ago (ScienceDaily, 2004, p. 5). I would say about 200,000 years ago. Also, judging by how many people were around as far back as 20,000 B.C. (Rohde et al., 2004, Supplementary Materials, "Supplementary Table 1"; pg. 7 p. 2; "Supplementary Figure 1"), it doesn't sound so difficult for only two individuals to spread our species.
Recently, Ann Gauger (2019), and Hossjer and Gauger (2019), say that this is possible as well. Both say that, if the first couple evolved from other hominids, then the time frame in which only they could populate the Earth would take 2 million years ("no primordial diversity"). However, if the first couple were primordial, or were created (by God), then it would take 500,000 years (Hossjer and Gauger, 2019, pg. 11, "Discussion" p. 2) (Gauger, 2019, "The Fun Begins" p. 16) (Stonestreet and Morris, 2019, p. 8). If 2 million years is correct, then the first couple would be Homo erectus. If it took 500,000 years, then they could be Homo neanderthalensis or Denisovans (Gauger, 2019, "The Take Home" p. 1). Hossjer and Gauger (2019) also say that, with more tweaks to their "parsimonious model assumptions," the first couple living 100,000 years ago seems possible ("Abstract"; pg. 12, "Discussion," "Extensions of the Single Couple Origin Model" p. 4) (Stonestreet and Morris, 2019, p. 9).
Combine that with the info. about Homo sapiens mating, and even living, with other species of Homo (and hominids) at the time, then I think that it is highly possible now that only two Homo sapiens could produce our current modern human population, given that they would have had help with other Homo species.
I decided to look up the translations of the words "Adam" and "Eve." Both words have different Hebrew and Greek translations. According to Bible Hub, in Hebrew, "Adam," or "adam," means man and mankind ("Strong's Hebrew: 120. adam"). However, Bible Hub says that, in Greek, "Adam" is referred to the very first human male ("Strong's Greek: 121. Adam"). Bible Texts says that Adam can be spelled "adham," and that it can represent a single man, or mankind (human race) as a whole. However, Adam seems to have been the name given to the first man in Genesis 2 ("the Hebrew word adam - man, human beings, or Adam? as used in both Gen 1 & Gen 2, and as translated as: man, human beings, person, or Adam." “Hebrew Dictionary Definitions of the Hebrew word adam.” "adam-Bible dictionaries"). It seems that the word Adam originally meant to encompass the whole human race, but for the story of Genesis 2, it was given to a single figure.
It wouldn't be right to go with a single conclusion, so I'm going to divide it:
Of course, a few questions remain: Was there a tree with fruit in it that God told Adam and Eve not to eat? Did a serpent or snake tell them to eat it? Did God kick them out of Africa/Ethiopia, which helped modern human beings to spread all over the world? I don't have the answers to that, but I don't think we can throw them out and say that they're myths entirely. As I've found out, the Bible is a mysterious book that has historical people and events in it. Who knows what might have happened or not. I think we just have to have an open mind.
This is probably closer to what the real Adam and Eve would have looked like, if they were real:
Adapa and Adam:
I think I've found another solution to this problem. Instead of Adam and Even being the progenitors of the entire human race, they could have been patriarchal and matriarchal figures, or a king and queen in a better context, of a group of people that would become known as the Semites.
Atum (Talbott, 1980, p. 11 Figure 1):
Atum was "'born in the Abyss (Primeval Waters) before the sky existed, before the earth existed.'" He was probably called "the spirit in the Primeval Waters." He is stated as having "no companion when my name came into existence." Atum also had various names, such as Horus, Ra, Amen, and Ptah (Talbott, 1980, pp. 11-12). Atum having "no companion" when he existed sounds like Adam having no suitable partner for him, until Yahavah Elohim took one of Adam's ribs and created Eve from it (Genesis 2:18-25).
Atum has been equated to Adam before (Massey, 1907, Vol. 1 pp. 87, 431, 434, 436, 438, and 461) (Churchward, 1924, pp. 308 and 318) (Wake, 1872; in the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, p. 374), but I came to this conclusion because of Adam's son in Genesis 4: Seth. Seth is Adam's third son in Genesis 4 (4:25). This is the same Seth (or Set) in the Egyptian pantheon (Blavatsky, 1891, p. 523) (Wake, 1888, p. 99), and the "divine ancestor of the Semites," (Wake, 1888, p. 99). However, in the Hyksos pantheon, Seth/Baal Saphon was one of their top gods, along with Re (Ra) Har-akhti/El (Seters, 1966, pp. 171-172, 174-175, and 178). The Hyksos were "Western Asiatics" that migrated into Egypt "during the Middle Kingdom." Eventually, they took over "the north of Egypt," (Stantis et al., 2020, Conclusions, para. 2). The Hyksos were Canaanites (Tercatin, 2020, para. 8), and the Canaanites are the ancestors of the Israelites, Jewish Israelites, Arabians, and Phoenicians (Agranat-Tamir et al., 2020, Highlights; Summary; Discussion, para. 1 and 5) (David, 2020) (Laden, 2024) (Tercatin, 2020, para. 10). El is the top Canaanite god (Day, 2000 [2010 edition], pp. 13-16) (L'Heureux, 1976 [2019 edition], p. 3) (Mullen, Jr., 1980, p. 9). El was equated to Re-Ra in the Hyksos pantheon (Seters, 1966, p. 178), and Re-Ra is another name for Atum (Talbott, 1980, pp. 11-12) (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Atum, para. 2). Baal Saphon is an epithet of Baal Hadad (Sommer, 2009, p. 24). Hadad is the son of El and Dagon (Caquot and Sznycer, 1980, p. 13) (Pope, 1955, p. 47 note 95). Dagon is another name of Enlil (El) on the An = Anum list, making them the same god (Litke; 1998; from Hallo, 1998, Vol. 3 p. 42). Following this logic, Adam would be Atum/Ra/El, making Seth/Baal his son.
As to who Atum's father was, it seems to have been the god Ptah. In a "text from Memphis," the capital of Egypt where Ptah is the top god, he is "'The Mother giving birth to Atum' (line 14)," (Churchward, 1924, pp. 241-242) (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Ptah, para. 1) (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Memphis, para. 1).
Sanders (2021):
Wilson et al., (2021) (Abstract):
"Did Darwin Kill God?." Conor Cunningham. BBC. 2009:
Learn (2016) (P. 4-7):
David K. Jordan. "'Mitochondrial Eve': III: Lose Ends: B. What Happened to All of Eve's Contemporaries?" University of California San Diego:
Main Page:
University of California San Diego:
"The Fall of Man." Hendrick Goltzius. 1616. The National Gallery of Art:
Megan Knight (Retrieved on 2019):
Y Chromosome:
Genetics Home Reference (2019):
Dr. Zara Kassam (2018):
Genesis (NIV):
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Ann Gibson (1997) (Y Chromosome Shows that Adam was African) ("Abstract"):
Ann Gibson (1997) (The Women's Movement) ("Abstract"):
Full Paper:!po=31.2500
Full Paper:!po=31.2500
Cruciani et al., (2011) ("Abstract" and pg. 6):
Link 2:
208,300 years ago:
Elhaik et al., (2014) ("Abstract"):
Link 2:
Ewen Callaway (2017) (p. 7):
Mary Bechman (2000) (Pg. 4):
Mitochondrial Eve:
200,000 years ago:
Ann Gibson (1997) (Y Chromosome Shows that Adam was African) ("Abstract"):
Chan et al., (2019) ("Abstract"):
Full Paper:!po=31.2500
Full Paper:!po=31.2500
Ann Gibson (1997) (The Women's Movement) ("Abstract"):
The Economist (2019):
Brandon Specktor (2019):
Ewen Callaway (2017) (pg. 7):
Archaic/Early Modern and Modern Homo sapiens:
Carly Cassella (2020) (P. 12):
Christopher J. Bae (2013):
Jebel Irhoud Skull:
Perhaps, or maybe not, early humans, but still from Africa:
315-286,000 years old:
Richter et al., (2017) ("Abstract"):
Hublin et al., (2017) ("Abstract"):
Sale Skull:
Encyclopaedia Britannica ("Sale"):
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History:
"Homo heidelbergensis":
Kabwe 1:
Encyclopaedia Britannica ("Homo heidelbergensis"):
Mounier et al., (2009) ("Abstract"):
Homo erectus:
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History ("Homo erectus"):
Rizal et al., (2019) (Abstract):
Encyclopaedia Britannica ("Homo erectus," "African Finds"):
"Ghost" Species of Hominin:
Shawna Williams (2020):
Carly Cassella (2020):
Durvasula and Sankararaman (2020) ("Abstract"):
Ann Gibbons (2020):
Bethan Ackerley (2020):
Western Africa Map:
Ferdinand Bada (2018):
Brian Handwerk (2020):
Herries et al., (2020) ("Abstract"):
Northern Africa Map:
Nina Larbi (2019):
Northwestern Africa:
Interkart ("Northwestern Africa Map"):
Map of the Region of Africa:
The Local Africa News (2018):
Primate Info Net ("Gorilla," "Social Organization and Behavior," p. 2):
Smithsonian National Zoo ("Western Lowland Gorilla," "Social Structure," p. 3-4):
Mathematical Possibilities of Just Two Humans Creating Our Population:
Rohde et al., (2004) ("Abstract"):
Supplementary Materials:
ScienceDaily (2004):
Ann Gauger (2019):
Primordial Definition:
Merriam-Webster ("Primordial"):
Hossjer and Gauger (2019):
Stonestreet and Morris (2019):
Bible Hub. "Strong's Hebrew: 120. adam":
Bible Texts. "the Hebrew word adam - man, human beings, or Adam? as used in both Gen 1 & Gen 2, and as translated as: man, human beings, person, or Adam." “Hebrew Dictionary Definitions of the Hebrew word adam.” "adam-Bible dictionaries":
Bible Hub. "Strong's Greek: 121. Adam":
Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg. "What Does Eve Mean in Hebrew?" Israel Bible Weekly. July 4th, 2018: "Ask the Rabbi." "Eve's Name":
Bible Hub. "Strong's Greek: 20296. Heua":
The Catholic Youth Bible (New American Bible Revised Edition):
Coulter and Turner (2013):
P. 14 (Adapa):
PP. 123 and 176 (Chavah and Eve):
Talbott (1980) (PP. 11-12):
Rochberg (2010) (P. 217).
DeLonge and Levenda (2017) (Ch. 2, There Were Giants in Those Days...):
Toorn et al., (1999) (P. 73):
Kilmer (1985; in Conrad and Newig, 1985):
Massey (1907) (Vol. 1 pp. 87, 431, 434, 436, 438, and 461):
Churchward (1924):
-2000 edition (pp. 241-242, and 308):
-2015 edition:
Wake (1872; in the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland) (P. 374):
Genesis 4:
Blatvasky (1891) (P. 523):
Wake (1888) (P. 99):
Seters (1966) (PP. 171-172, 174-175, and 178):
Agranat-Tamir et al., (2020) (Highlights; Summary; Discussion):
David (2020):
Laden (2024):
Stantis et al., (2020) (Conclusions, para. 2):
Tercatin (2020):
Encyclopaedia Britannica. Atum:
Day (2000 [2010 edition]):
L'Heureux (1976 [2019 edition]) (P. 3):
Mullen, Jr., (1980) (P. 9):
Genesis 2:
Sommer (2009) (P. 24):
Caquot and Sznycer (1980) (P. 13):
Pope (1955) (P. 47 note 95):
Encyclopaedia Britannica. Ptah:
Encyclopaedia Britannica. Memphis: